Monday, August 25, 2014

Create a Precision Queue in CCE using Unified Config API

In this example, we create a Precision Queue in Contact Center Enterprise using the Unified Config API that runs on the Administration Workstation system in your CCE deployment.

Use HTTP POST to this URI:

Set the Content Type to:

And add this header:

with the value:
Basic YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvckBteS5kb21haW4uY29tOnNlY3JldHBhc3N3b3Jk

That is, "Basic", followed by a space, followed by your base64-encoded admin credentials.

Now, set the content to the following to create a 1-step PQ that requires agents have a proficiency greater than or equal to 7 of PQ Attribute 5005 AND that PQ Attribute 5013 is true:
 <description>This is a 1-step Precision Queue</description>

I'm using UCCE 10.5 for this, so I don't have departments, but you would in Packaged CCE 10.0 or 10.5.

<serviceLevelType> Values:
1 = Ignore Abandoned Calls
2 = Abandoned Calls have Negative Impact
3 = Abandoned Calls have Positive Impact

<agentOrdering> Values:
1 = Longest Available Agent
2 = Most Skilled Agent
3 = Least Skilled Agent

<termRelation> Values:
0 = OR (also used for the first term)
1 = AND

<attributeRelation> Values:
1:  ==
2:  !=
3:  <
4:  <=
5:  >
6:  >=

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