Friday, October 24, 2014

Recover lost data from git hard reset

Big thanks to this excellent post I used to restore a ton of "lost" data when I accidentally did a git hard reset back to an old commit:

My takeaway steps to recovering data:

coty$ git fsck --lost-found
Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.
Checking objects: 100% (17780/17780), done.
dangling commit b7c3533a8219f99ff4dd7402372dcea9ce114644
coty$ git show b7c3533a8219f99ff4dd7402372dcea9ce114644
coty$ git stash save "before rebase to recover data"
coty$ git rebase b7c3533a8219f99ff4dd7402372dcea9ce114644

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fixing high-availability failover condition in Cisco CUP 10.5

When Cisco Unified IM and Presence servers are in a high availability enabled subcluster, the high availability can go into failover / failed over when one of the servers goes down or is rebooted. If this happens, you can't assign any new users to the subcluster without either bringing high availability back up, or disabling high availability for the server that is still working.

If you thought that this setting was in the CUP server admin pages, you'd be wrong. As I found here, you have to go into CUCM admin page to change this. It's under System > Presence Redundancy Groups. Click find, click on your subcluster, and Enable High Availability is there as a simple checkbox. Turn HA off and then back on again to get it back into a good state.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Jabber 9 and 10.5 error: Starting a feature set failed and Incorrect Username or Password

If you encounter this error in Jabber 10.5:
Starting a feature set failed
or this error in Jabber 9.3 or higher:
Incorrect Username or Password
when trying to sign in to Jabber using CUCM and CUPS (as opposed to Webex), and your typed password is actually correct, you may have a problem with your CUPS server and/or not have this user assigned to a presence server.

To verify this is the problem,  try manual sign-in to CUCM (phone features only). If you can sign in to phone features, your problem is with CUPS. Make sure you have assigned this end user to a CUPS server and that the CUPS server is in a good state.

Adobe PDF "Please Wait..." error message, and can't print PDF on Mac

Adobe has extra features beyond the PDF standards. If you have an Adobe-only PDF file (or you have a newer version than someone you're sending the PDF to), you'll be able to open the PDF normally while others will get this message in place of the PDF content:
This seems to be the case especially for PDF forms created in Acrobat Pro that can only be filled out in Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Reader.

To resolve this, the recipient either needs to open the file in the latest version of Adobe Acrobat, or you'll have to print the PDF from Acrobat using a PDF Printer. An additional caveat when using Acrobat on a Mac is that you cannot save a filled-out PDF form using the built-in PDF printer in Acrobat; it will tell you to save as a PDF. The form I had trouble with also was not able to be exported to the PDF/A standard, so the only option I had was to install a 3rd-party PDF printer. If Adobe had used the built-in printing functionality in OS X, we wouldn't even be having this issue.

Install PDFwriter from If you're on Windows, CutePDF and Bullzip PDF Printer are both pretty good. Once you install PDFwriter, go to the Settings app in OS X and open Printers. Click the + at the bottom of the installed printers list to add a new printer, and select PDFwriter from the popup that follows. Now, go back to your PDF in Acrobat, click print, select PDFwriter as the printer, and print it. Your new PDF print file will be located in /users/shared/PDFWriter/. If you want to get fancy, you can also create a link to your dropbox folder by running this command from Terminal:
sudo ln -s /var/spool/pdfwriter/$USER ~/Dropbox/Documents/PDFs
This will upload your print-to-PDF files into your Dropbox.
