Thursday, November 19, 2015

Update Trusted CA Certificates for Eclipse Tomcat Debugger on OS X

If you run the debugger in Eclipse, it will use the Java certificate store for verifying the chain of trust of certificates. I had a problem where the Eclipse debugger wouldn't connect to a server whose certificate was signed by my CA, even though OS X trusted the CA in Keychain. Turns out you have to add it to the cacerts file in the Java folder using command line. Check it:

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

Make your Windows domain controllers NTP servers

Thanks to the author! This works great on my Windows 2012 R2 servers for serving NTP to all the Cisco Collaboration / Contact Center components in the network.

Fix the Windows Time Service on domain controllers

Finally, a set of commands that fixes the time service on my Windows domain controllers:

Note that when you run the "net time /setsntp: " command, it will successfully clear the registry settings for the time service, but the console will print the command help text as though you had entered an incorrect command option.