Here's the script I threw together from examples and experimenting. Its purpose is to visibly watermark a folder of images with one image. It prompts you to choose a folder of images that you want to modify, then an output folder, then the watermark image you want pasted onto the images from the folder. At each image, the script prompts you to specify which corner of the image you want the watermark on.
This script pastes one image to the chosen corner of each image in a folder.
// enable double clicking from the
// Macintosh Finder or the Windows Explorer
#target photoshop
/// Options and Variables
//margin is the number of pixels you want to space the edge of the watermark
//from the edge of the image
var marginX = 5;
var marginY = 5;
//save a copy of the modified images to a jpeg file
var fileSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
fileSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
fileSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
fileSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
fileSaveOptions.quality = 10;
// Close the file without saving
var documentCloseOptions = SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES;
// Make Photoshop the frontmost application
// in case we double clicked the file
// A list of file extensions to skip, keep them lower case
gFilesToSkip = Array( "db", "xmp", "xcf", "thm", "txt", "doc", "md0", "tb0", "adobebridgedb", "adobebridgedbt", "bc", "bct" );
// Pops open a dialog for the user to
// choose the folder of documents to process
var inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select a folder of documents to process");
// Pops open a dialog for the user to
// set the output folder
var outputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select a folder for the output files");
//choose the file to watermark with
var logoFile = File.openDialog ("Select the logo file", "*.png", false);
var logo = open(logoFile);
//select all of the watermark
//copy the watermark to the clipboard
// Open Folder of Images
// Given the a Folder of files, open them
function OpenFolder() {
var filesOpened = 0;
var fileList = inputFolder.getFiles();
for ( var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++ ) {
// Make sure all the files in the folder are compatible with PS
if ( fileList[i] instanceof File && ! fileList[i].hidden && ! IsFileOneOfThese( fileList[i], gFilesToSkip )) {
var photo = open( fileList[i] );
//add a new layer for the watermark
var pasteLayer = photo.artLayers.add();
//paste the watermark into the new layer
//ask the user which corner the watermark should be in
var corner = prompt("Top Left = 1, Top Right = 2, \r\nBottom Left = 3, Bottom Right = 4, \r\n Quit = 5","1","Which corner?");
if(corner == 1)
else if(corner == 2)
else if(corner == 3)
else if(corner == 4)
else if(corner == 5)
break; //stop the program
//Save a copy of the file
app.activeDocument.saveAs(outputFolder, fileSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
//Close the modified file
// given a file name and a list of extensions
// determine if this file is in the list of extensions
function IsFileOneOfThese( inFileName, inArrayOfFileExtensions ) {
var lastDot = inFileName.toString().lastIndexOf( "." );
if ( lastDot == -1 ) {
return false;
var strLength = inFileName.toString().length;
var extension = inFileName.toString().substr( lastDot + 1, strLength - lastDot );
extension = extension.toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0; i < inArrayOfFileExtensions.length; i++ ) {
if ( extension == inArrayOfFileExtensions[i] ) {
return true;
return false;
function topLeft( layer ){// layerObject, Number, Number
// if can not move layer return
if(layer.iisBackgroundLayer||layer.positionLocked) return
// get the layer bounds
var layerBounds = layer.bounds;
// get top left position
var layerX = layerBounds[0].value;
var layerY = layerBounds[1].value;
// the difference between where layer needs to be and is now
var deltaX = marginX-layerX;
var deltaY = marginY-layerY;
// move the layer into position
layer.translate (deltaX, deltaY);
function topRight( layer ){
// if can not move layer return
if(layer.iisBackgroundLayer||layer.positionLocked) return
// get the layer bounds
var layerBounds = layer.bounds;
// get top left position
var layerX = layerBounds[0].value;
var layerY = layerBounds[1].value;
// the difference between where layer needs to be and is now
var deltaX = layerX-marginX;
var deltaY = marginY-layerY;
// move the layer into position
layer.translate (deltaX, deltaY);
function bottomRight( layer ){
// if can not move layer return
if(layer.iisBackgroundLayer||layer.positionLocked) return
// get the layer bounds
var layerBounds = layer.bounds;
// get top left position
var layerX = layerBounds[0].value;
var layerY = layerBounds[1].value;
// the difference between where layer needs to be and is now
var deltaX = layerX-marginX;
var deltaY = layerY-marginY;
// move the layer into position
layer.translate (deltaX, deltaY);
function bottomLeft( layer ){
// if can not move layer return
if(layer.iisBackgroundLayer||layer.positionLocked) return
// get the layer bounds
var layerBounds = layer.bounds;
// get top left position
var layerX = layerBounds[0].value;
var layerY = layerBounds[1].value;
// the difference between where layer needs to be and is now
var deltaX = marginX-layerX;
var deltaY = layerY-marginY;
// move the layer into position
layer.translate (deltaX, deltaY);
My references and borrowed code:, reply number 3
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